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New Era’s culture:

The pursuit of New Era "people-oriented, do not pursue the scale of the enterprise intentionally, We pursue the happiness index of the enterprise workers only."

Independent scientific and technological innovation, relying on their own advantages, based on fluorosilicone high-tech products, to create our own brand of fluorosilicone.


New Era’s institutional culture:

A culture without system is a slogan, but a system without culture is shackle. The system gives the staff the freedom of humanization and the restriction of the system, which makes employees and enterprises have mutual trust, have mutual understanding, and let the staff to embrace the system on their own initiative. Only a sound system will have fair competition, will avoid speculation, rewards and penalties to follow the rules, pay will be rewarded. The system of New Era Chemical embodies the humanism, the human nature axiom of staff freedom, the market axiom of fairness and competition, corrects the understanding of staff treatment system, corrects the attitude of staff treatment system, and molds the special characteristics of New Era Chemical .


New Era’s action culture:

”People should "communicate more, complain less, understand more, argue less."

Everyone in the New Era should be "responsible" and believe that "attitude determines everything and details determine success or failure." Be a harmonious, positive and enterprising staff in the New Era.

Only imperfect products, there are no picky customers. We’re in the pursuit of customer satisfaction,and we would like to provide customers with the best products and services.


New Era’s material culture:

The peoplein New Era have jointly created trifluorine series products with independent intellectual property rights and related fluorosilicone products. The company has its own brand-New Era, and has created a beautiful working and living environment. Everyone in New Era regards the factory as family, and we’re proud of being part of New Era.